I was in mid lane as Akali against an Ahri. I was destroying her in farm, had killed her multiple times without dying once, was even roaming and getting more fed. I didn't even die until 40 min into the game. I call my team together and push top lane coming out with a triple kill putting me at 13/1/something. We have to recall because somehow they all respawned seemingly immediately and we were all at low hp (I should have known something was wrong then). I wasn't checking on kills because I knew I was fed and I knew my team had won every lane.

We come back to mid to push the turret and get aced. our Volibear then points out: Darius is fed. I feel confident that I'm surely more fed than him, I mean he lost his lane how fed could he be? I check the kills. His lane fed him TWENTY THREE KILLS. How do you even feed that many kills in laning phase? Better yet how do you then proceed to lose lane if you're that fed?

We lost that game. Why? Because even though I could 1v4 anyone else he could just instakill my whole team even when focused by all of us. I just don't understand. I ganked bot many times that games (that's where he was). He tried to gank mid at one point and I insta killed both him and Ahri for being irksome. Then all of a sudden WTF TWENTY THREE KILLS and he can 1v5 and Ace us even though voli, Garen, and I were all fed.

I just don't understand. You'd think after the first couple times he killed you you'd stop trying to fight him. How do you let someone kill you TWENTY THREE TIMES?!?