So I play some ARAM from time to time. And I see it getting more and more popular. It is actually good for you to do sometimes as a player. A few hints to really get the experience you need from ARAM.

Never dodge. Adjust on the champion
As for champion experience, it's good to not dodge when you get a champion you bought, but never play. Or one that is free. It doesn't mather dont do that good, it's ARAM, all RANDOM. Random doesn't mean you always get the champ you want. Of course you can always try to trade, but it's not needed. Just adjust yourself to the champion you play.

Learn how to teamfight
What you do in ARAM is being with a team. Some people are very unexperienced with that. Try to teach yourself how to play every role in ARAM, because it's less dependend and such. When you get a tank, try play as a tank. ETC. Also learn how to push as a team. This especially helps if youre used to playing slitpush-champs.

League of Legends is a game. Games are made for fun. Too many people take this way to serious. They feel the need to WIN. Aram is all about just having fun. I mean if you get bad champs, don't dodge, just laugh about how well or bad you're doing on them. In ARAM it's possible, it's not made to win, it's made to have fun.

Hope you enjoy my blogs. If you liked, Id appreciate +reps. If you feel the need to share your opinion, please comment, im curious :D