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Posted a Comment: Feb 24th, 2013
"xin zhao is an AA bruiser which is atm at the top."
Posted a Comment: Feb 24th, 2013
"Well, they change the base AD of taric every day."
Posted a Comment: Feb 24th, 2013
"Actually, he uses armorpen marks to increase the damage of spinning slash and AA."
Posted a Comment: Feb 23rd, 2013
"alpha strike will not get the ad-ratio anyway. It was removed from PBE.
The two items even without the actives offer high lifesteal in different ways and allow you to lifesteal through anything. 40% is a very big amount and onto that the special effects of hydra and blade getting added. And w"
Posted a Comment: Feb 23rd, 2013
"What I found is, that full AS runes not only make your clear faster, with them you also don't need berserker's greaves early. This offers you more build options with for example mercury's treads early and then phantom dancer instead of zephyr later."
Posted a Comment: Feb 23rd, 2013
"Yi's ultimate gives AS and MS, which makes it superior for fast pushing purpose. And Yi can get cooldown reduction aswell."
Posted a Comment: Feb 23rd, 2013
"Yi "is", not was."
Posted a Comment: Feb 23rd, 2013
"Wait, if AP splitpush tryndamere can exist, what about AP splitpush master yi? He has a similar if not even stronger heal and in bad situations he can even teamfight. And his alpha strike does the same damage as spinning slash. Also, his ultimate makes it even more painfull because o"
Posted a Comment: Feb 23rd, 2013
I found something here."