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Posted a Comment: Jan 28th, 2013
"Simple solution, just ban thresh and let him never get picked."
Posted a Comment: Jan 28th, 2013
"Well, the item cost gets reduced now."
Posted a Comment: Jan 28th, 2013
"Well, I play Sion different. I play him more on the tank side, while providing utility to the team with slows from frozen mallet, stuns and a heal for the whole teamfight. Yeah, you will not deal that much damage with statikk shiv and atma's impaler, but it is enough to be not ignore"
Posted a Comment: Jan 28th, 2013
"Okay, jungle nasus is not good, yes, but jungle sion has a good potential. He has high damage with enrage, he has a stun with cryptic gaze for ganks, with my runes, he has a clearspeed of 3:30 with leash. So this way, he could abuse enrage's HP gain."
Posted a Comment: Jan 27th, 2013
"Not in the jungle. Jungle nasus? Jungle sion?"
Posted a Comment: Jan 27th, 2013
"Saying that jungling isn't that great on 3vs3 shows that you can't know much about it. In every higher 3vs3 game is a jungler. And you didn't even mention some of the best, like nunu."
Posted a Comment: Jan 27th, 2013
"I think the title is wrong. It should mean "trash lantern"."
Posted a Comment: Jan 27th, 2013
"BTW: Did you already notice this:
"This bonus is doubled against Champions,large minions and large monsters."
For all 3 scaling abilites from nasus, veigar and sion."
Posted a Comment: Jan 27th, 2013
"Warmog's, Warmog's, Warmog's..
Why nobody plays sion, the champ with the free Warmog's?"
Posted a Comment: Jan 26th, 2013
This is the main reason why. 3 crits would be with Infinity Edge"