Favorites and preferred picks a.t.m.

Top lane: Renekton, Wukong, Rengar

Mid lane: Zyra, Talon, Twisted Fate, Kassadin

Support: Thresh, Nami, Sona

Jungle: Hecarim, Trundle, Zac, Jarvan IV (Could I be more epic?),

I usually play jungle where I feel I have the biggest impact on the course of the game. Close second comes mid lane due to simply being like chess to play - and deep down, I just love mages.

I play support if no one in my team doesn't feel confident in it, or if I'm simply forced to it.

Top lane is kinda wild card. I usually play Renekton there, but in few instances I've picked Wukong and Rengar.

If anyone has any recommendations, I'd like to hear them. Particularly if someone thinks a specific jungler is stronger than the rest (who isn't in my list yet).