Posted a Comment: Sep 11th, 2012
"Hmm... I'm tempted to try and get something made here. I'd have to hook my computer back up and what not, but I've been crazy busy with school work."
Posted a Comment: Sep 3rd, 2012
I luvz it too <3"
Posted a Comment: Sep 2nd, 2012
"Those look pretty good Nameless, is the larger text on the Garen Sig Coalition? Looks similar if nothing else."
Posted a Comment: Sep 1st, 2012
"Thought about that, but forgot to save the link. Lucky for you! I found it again :D"
Posted a Comment: Aug 31st, 2012
There's my part, got it done in time, I'll leave stitching it together to jhoi."
Posted a Comment: Aug 31st, 2012
"Well, it turns out I'm going home for the weekend, I'll be without my desktop with photoshop, but I will have my mac and I'll bring my tablet, I'll try doing some pen tooling in Gimp to continue it I guess x.x
Unless you guys mind waiting until next week for me?"