So you people on Us might know about my legendary Janna. And i all know that you are longing for me to release a guide for her.

But i will not do it, becouse i am lazy. So take this mini guide in blog instead.

Summoner spells: Flash and Promote / Exhaust.

Runes. Moment speed quints. Armor seals. Magic resist lvl glyphs. Armor pen red.

Masteries: Not sure yet, but 0/9/21 seems best right now.

Skilling order: E > W > Q > R.

Just get one point in Ultimate at level 6. Then level it last.

Items: Gold items. 2-3 of them. Just get them before 15, or ealse it is bad! After go Aegis and The speed boosty item. After that either got Frozen hearth or Force of nature. Lastly get Randuins.

Remember, never buy wards. This is a troll build, you troll both your own team and the enemy.

Playstyle: You are gonna be annoying, last hit your carries creeps, last hit hero kills, last hit towers, and last hit monsters.

Always bait the enemy, make them hate you, poke them all the time, throw tornados at them, just be a annoying little bich.

If you do this right, the enemy will follow you like some kind of following animal. Then all you do is flash right into them and ult.

Tips and tricks:

If you gonna run true the entire enemy team, make sure to not use up your W, the speed boost is so good!

Push away enemies from allies, or push in enemies to allies (when the ally is low) for some fun reactions.

Make sure to remind the enemy and your allies how hard you are carrying. (This is super effective on tryhard US players)

Thank you for your time, if you want i will write a full guide when i get around to it ;).

Troll hugs and kisses, PotatisFarfar.