I don't play this game alone, ever. Maybe one time when i feel really bored, but most of the time i play with at least one different person. Why?

Because i find this game boring, why? Because this meta is ****ing set in stone. There is not really any other tactics than the normal. And if you do anything ealse you are more or less considered a troll.

For example, when i play alone, i always troll with my champion select. (Ap malphite is my favorite). But that is beside the point. Lets take Heroes of Newerth for example. There are so many setups, and counter setups. Of course there is a standard that most people take in tournaments and stuff. But even there you will always see different lane setups.

So when you go into the a game alone, you have no idea what kind of role you are gonna play, or what roles you are gonna play with.

Maybe we have a trilane bottom. With a strong roamer than can creep stack and gank mid. But then there is a risk that the enemy picks a strong pushing comp at takes top / mid tower.

Maybe we go with a carry + support mid lane. But then there is the risk of our enemy going heavy ganking start to counter us.

That is why i can play HoN on my own. Because every game is a different experience. League on the other hand just gets old, and it gets old really fast. For a game to be more casual, fun and fast pasted version of dota. It sure fails, Every lane farms, and nearly only the jungler ganks.

Nearly every "none troll" game i play, results in more or less a farm fest. Because of the short lanes, with only 2 places to gank (not counting ninja gank) it is really easy to ward and avoid them.

I just find it fun that League have turned into the most boring early game of all the ARTS's. Hell i can't even deny to stop my enemy from farming. All i can do is force them out of the lane. And that is really hard with defensive supports like soraka.

But why do i still play it then? Mostly the community here on MOBA and it's mid/late game is actually fun. But the game really needs some changes to the laning phase... Because right now, it is just so passive.