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Pozsich's avatar


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Pozsich's Mobafire Blog

19 Dec

Views: 688 Today...

Today, My friend told me he just saw an Annie bot get legendary.

Needless to say, I rofl'ed.
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17 Dec

Doesn't it suck when life does everything it can to bring you down?

Look at my luck:

That may have been my best game ever, but life dealt me a loss.
Ah well, we all gotta move on right?
Still, I just really wish my first penta kill ever had been in a winning game :\

P.S. I've been having internet issues, which is why those co-op v ai scores are so pathetic :P
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10 Nov

Views: 858 Ramblings about voting

It seems like a good idea if the amount of votes a person has voted versus their amount of guide comments were tracked. Plus, up votes minus down votes.
Why? Well everyone complains about trolls on this site, and rather than track every single comment it would be much easier to ban so called "trolls" by just looking at these stats.
Ex: Person A has 58 up votes to 37 down votes, with 113 total guide comments.
^This person looks like a good community member to me
Ex: Person B has 0 up votes to 7869 down votes, with 418 total guide comments.
^Looks like a troll to me.

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09 Nov

Views: 625 Pride(:

Obviously my guide is fairly new; compared to apotheosis Tryndamere resource, my guide is an infant crawling around in a cradle. I have no illusion that my guide is perfect, but seeing mine as the top rated guide for Tryn has made me proud (:
Even if it may only last for an hour! :P
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