Hey everybody, it's been a while since I've blogged so I'm gonna ask an interesting question, which champions are the most viable pick to ban in ranked/draft games? I can't tell you how many times I would go into a Solo Q and people will ban terrible picks... Even when I'm not Solo Queuing, my friends and I have a hard time to choose one, we'll most of the time yell at each other until the last second hits and the leader will panic and ban someone random. (Over exaggeration but this is what it feels like sometimes).

So what do you think are good bans? Some of my friends still have a hard time choosing ones and I'm itching to know what are some good bans myself. Comment below and give out reasons why.

Here are my top 5 bans (Not in a certain order):

1.) Kassadin: This guy is nearly impossible to gank Pre-6 due to his 3-5 second blink and even when it's on cooldown, he's got an AOE slow. Not to mention he's got a pretty annoying silence that will mess up your AP carry mid.

2.) Morgana: Yet another AP carry, but her spell shield can practically counter any AP carry mid. Not to mention her passive gives her great sustain, mana is the only problem, but nothing like a blue buff won't fix it. Her ult is devastating in team fights (And also it can also sense stealthed champions).

3.) Shaco: One of the best jungler out there, IMO. He'll gank for days and can get dragon by level 6. He'll make you waste your gold by buying wards and oracles. Although he isn't that great late game in team fights, a guardian angel can fix that problem along with a well placed Hallucination clone. He can melt down your AD carry within seconds, and if the other team is stupid, they'll chase him for such a long time while his allies are split pushing or coming to his aid, eventually you'll just be all alone in their jungle hearing his laughs as you die. He's exactly what he looks like, and annoying-*** clown. (I had so much to write about this guy because he's one of my most played champs, I try not to ban him so I can grab him before the enemy team does)

4.) Amumu: A tank that can still manage to deal damage while staying immortal at the same time. He has a ton of CC and his ult can change a team fight. Not to mention he has an ability that will deal damage based on a percentage of a person's maximum HP, so he's able to deal damage to tanks as well.

5.) Shen: This guy is meh. He definitely used to be OP but after the patch, he's alright. He's an awesome solo top, great sustain and not to mention his global ult, a great Shen will have great map awareness and will know when to ult on someone and not to. His taunt is such a nuisance and makes it kind of hard not to focus him. His ult will make you blow everything on the carry, just to end up being taunted and dead.

Edit: A lot of you guys have brought up some excellent points with Shen, as most of you have said, whether he loses the lane or not, he will always end up carrying his team. Furthermore, his ultimate is scaled off of his own health now. I see people stack Warmog's on this guy like he's the new Dr. Mundo. (Also added Cassiopeia to the list.

6.) Cassiopeia: Awesome mid, she has great sustain due to her passive and also has a lot of mobility, increasing her movement speed and decreasing her enemies. When she has her ult, it can easily allow her to 2v1 when a jungler comes to gank. Not to mention her ult can do work in team fights, and even if they're not looking at her, her stun is immense.