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League of Legends (LoL) Item: Thornmail

Total Price: 2450 | Recipe Price: 450 | Sell Price: 1715

LoL Item: Thornmail
  • 75 Armor
  • 150 Health

UNIQUE Passive: When struck by a basic attack on-hit, deal 20 (+10% bonus armor) magic damage to the attacker and, if they are a champion, inflict them with 40% Grievous Wounds for 3 seconds.
  • 75 Armor
  • 150 Health

UNIQUE Passive: When struck by a basic attack on-hit, deal 20 (+10% bonus armor) magic damage to the attacker and, if they are a champion, inflict them with 40% Grievous Wounds for 3 seconds.

Thornmail builds into these items:

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MT KuPKaYk (2) | March 23, 2015 6:56pm
Janitsu wrote:


Thornmail is practically useless if you don't have enough health to back it up. Warmog's Armor is really bad item and shouldn't be built. Randuin's Omen is the best choice because of the passive and active.

I would disagree with everything you said. You are being very vague and ambiguous. Warmog's is a good item, and helps a lot in the tank department, but that aside, items are good based on situation. Warmog's is even better on champs who use health a a resource, and Thornmail is good for people who need an armor item, and want some damage output as well, especially since it's animation is less noticeable compared to say, Sunfire's cape. Randuin's is kind of flashy IMO, meaning it not so much a useful item(of course it is useful sometimes), but it has cool features. It's stats are ok tho, but aren't as good as other items.
also TM is easy to build and good for early game
GGray2000 | March 19, 2014 5:56am
I play as nasus ALL the time and I main him. I always get thorn mail on him to go along with his tankyness. When I build it I also always get a warmogs and a spirit visage. Then I finish with a bloodthirster when I'm farmed well. Thornmail is normally a ok item but with this combo it's insane. The fact that warmogs is regening hp really fast and spirit visage is increasing that means I have even more hp they have to cut thought and so thorn does more dmg. The bloodthirster just makes it even better because every Q you hit not only does dmg but it gives hp that then does even more dmg as they try to burn throught your health. Along with spirt visage and nasus passive and runes nasus life steal is about 50% final build which is crazy! I think Thornmail is just amazing item for nasus and Rammus and mundo. It's a item that's for super tanky champs. It's personally my favorite item in the game as I love tanks. I don't get why everyone sees it as a useless item! It just needs to fit is a good tank build.
Janitsu (569) | December 16, 2013 2:04pm
When I used to play TT on Plat level, I was usually against 2 ad / 1 ap comps, so I do agree with this. I still do think that Randuin's Omen or Sunfire Aegis offer better survivability and/or utility.

But yeah, Thornmail might be at least decent item there.
Nighthawk (684) | December 16, 2013 2:00pm
Janitsu wrote:

Thornmail is still pretty meh choice in TT or Dominion. Sure, it is somewhat good choice if you have health to it up with, but otherwise it's probably not wise to build it. (With some health, I mean around 3k hp). Dominion is quite different because of different items and different gain of money so I can't really say, but you probably can get Thornmail pretty early due to the increased gold gain.

Early resists are extremely important on both modes and Thornmail is a great item in that regard as it's very cheap. Physical comps are also much more common on TT and Dominion. Thornmail is a fine item there.
Meiyjhe (539) | December 16, 2013 12:20pm
Warmogs and thornmail are neither bad items, just situational. Warmogs is great for champions that benefit the big amounts of HP (like Mundo or Shen), thornmail is great against an enemy team with a high amount of auto attack reliant champions (when taken in combination with health of course :P)
Janitsu (569) | December 16, 2013 12:16pm
Warmog's is bad item compared to Randuin's Omen or Sunfire Aegis or Spirit Visage which both give you some health and resists. I would never probably build it over those because Warmog's passive is rather useless while these three items give you better passives (unless you are Dr. Mundo lol) and/or better stats.

Thornmail is still pretty meh choice in TT or Dominion. Sure, it is somewhat good choice if you have health to it up with, but otherwise it's probably not wise to build it. (With some health, I mean around 3k hp). Dominion is quite different because of different items and different gain of money so I can't really say, but you probably can get Thornmail pretty early due to the increased gold gain.

EDIT: I could've used different words with the Warmog's Armor explanation. It really isn't a good item anymore because there are far better choices.
Nighthawk (684) | December 16, 2013 12:11pm
warmogs is a bad item now? did i miss something?

also Thornmail is good on both TT and Dominion if you feel that you need some extra bulk.
Janitsu (569) | December 16, 2013 12:09pm
bless u 2
Bioalchemist (155) | December 16, 2013 12:06pm
pls jani.
Janitsu (569) | December 16, 2013 12:01pm

Thornmail is practically useless if you don't have enough health to back it up. Warmog's Armor is really bad item and shouldn't be built. Randuin's Omen is the best choice because of the passive and active.
Nyara (7) | December 16, 2013 11:45am
Thornmail is quite easy to build and comes from really cheap early items. Actually, it is a good item to have if the enemy is full AD or 4-1 AD/AP and its AP is usually a support or something like that. Also good if the unique treat of the enemy is a feed Yi or Caitlyin, or something like that and all the other members of the team aren't doing too much damage: it hard counters them really bad. Aside from that, Raduin is just superior in any other case as it gives more physical bulk and isn't that more expensive at all. Warmog + Thornmail hardcounters any heavy AD team, any.
sirell (400) | December 15, 2013 11:25am
Wrath51 wrote:

So if im going as nautilus and being a tank jungler is thorn mail a good idea compared to randuins omen

Nope. Randuin's Omen is better, since Nautilus scales off HP and Thornmail is useless without proper hp anyway (usually 3K hp if possible).
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