So I played 3 ranked games today with a friend (I'm silver 1 and he's bronze 1), and in all 3 games I played Vayne and won the lane.
First game we played bottom together, like I said I was playing Vayne and he was playing Blitzcrank, we were vs Caitlyn and Sona.For the first 10 minutes i just farmed and after a gank from our jungler i picked up 2 assists and when we came back to lane i got a doublekill.All other lanes won and we picked up and easy win.
Second game we also played bottom with the same comp vs Lucian and Leona.I finished the lane 7/1, but sadly they had a fed Riven and a pretty strong Fiddlesticks who was jungling.So every teamfight I couldn't go in for the first 5 sec, too much cc on their team.And we ended up loosing the game because of the fed Riven and Fiddlesticks.
Third game was a blood fest, I played with this Annie who didn't even know how to ult, but i won the lane finishing it 6/2 against Ezreal and Sona.My friend played Elise in the jungle and he helped me in the lane.Now here's the problem: they picked Swain and our mid took LeBlanc saying: "don't worry I'm a good lb".He fed him 4 kills mid and blamed my friend for not ganking...he ganked 3 times.The other problem was that our top Gangplank fed their Vi 5 kills and pushed top 24/7...they are taking drake and he's split pushing,they are taking out mid inhib and he's split pushing.I picked up a quadra in one fight but that coudn't save us.The teamfights went like this: Vi ults me and their fed Kha'Zix jumps on me and while i kite them the enemy Swain tanks 4 people while Ezreal and Sona are just killing my team from the back-line.We lost that one too and I was so angry it was just stupid.

I know you should play to get better, and I try to do that but i can't reach gold or platnum if I'm not able to carry vs 2 fed solo-laners...I am so sad right now ;(