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Qersidon's Mobafire Blog

11 Jan
So I got in to promotion series for gold finally and the very first game I got mentally challenged players. So I was playing Ezreal with Blitzcrank vs Lucian and Lulu, after a gank I got Firstblood and then won the lane finishing 4/1/1, while Lucian was 0/3/3. Their jungler Master Yi got pretty fed from ganking while our Xin Zhao didn't do such a good job. We had a chance to win the game because our Garen won top against Jax and our mid-laner Gragas outfarmed Orianna.But sadly my team started to go full ****** mode. Garen farming Wraiths in...
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09 Jan

Views: 690 Best game!!!

Our team:
Lucian <-- me
Blitzcrank <-- gatuso

Enemy team:
Lee Sin

The game was so hard and fun, we started really bad, Vladimir fed Lee Sin 6 kills, Kha'Zix got 2 kills mid and roamed on us 3 times...and my team was fighting among them selfs.I was pretty strong with 12/6 so I asked the a couple of times to stop arguing, and to my surprise they did :D. With some good team-work, peel for me and great Blitzcrank hooks we managed to turn the game around....
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09 Jan

Views: 680 Improving

So I had a blog about me hating soloQ in which i talked about how i can't carry vs 2 fed solo-laners and how mad I am. I was playing that with my friend Gatuso97. A lot of you told me to dumb him so I can advance, I was thinking about doing that but I finally decided not to do it. So we jumped back in to ranked yesterday. I had around 70, 71 LP at the time, now i have 98 LP, and I am on my way to promotion. We had some really good games, some hard games and some bad games, but all in all we climbed a lot despite him being Bronze 1. He played Blitzcrank most of the time, and he jungled 3...
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01 Jan

This is a game I played with my friends, I picked this team-comp because I wanted to see how effective it is.So the game started and they got fb top (dou-top Kha'Zix and Irelia vs our Shen).Their top laners continued to get kills and push 4/1 Kha'Zix and 5/0 Irelia.Because Jinx was alone bottom I got a few kills, after which me and my support were strong enough to take on Lee Sin and Jinx which gave me more kills.
While we were destroying bottom our top was doing really bad, even with constant Amumu ganks Shen was...
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30 Dec

Views: 1112 I hate solo q

So I played 3 ranked games today with a friend (I'm silver 1 and he's bronze 1), and in all 3 games I played Vayne and won the lane.
First game we played bottom together, like I said I was playing Vayne and he was playing Blitzcrank, we were vs Caitlyn and Sona.For the first 10 minutes i just farmed and after a gank from our jungler i picked up 2 assists and when we came back to lane i got a doublekill.All other lanes won and we picked up and easy win.
Second game we also played bottom with the same comp vs Lucian and...
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