This is a game I played with my friends, I picked this team-comp because I wanted to see how effective it is.So the game started and they got fb top (dou-top Kha'Zix and Irelia vs our Shen).Their top laners continued to get kills and push 4/1 Kha'Zix and 5/0 Irelia.Because Jinx was alone bottom I got a few kills, after which me and my support were strong enough to take on Lee Sin and Jinx which gave me more kills.
While we were destroying bottom our top was doing really bad, even with constant Amumu ganks Shen was 1/9.To add to the already bad situation Kassadin started roaming and he picked up few kills (5).
But here is where our team-comp kicked in. First team-fight we went 5 for 1 after a wombo-combo with our ults on 4 people. We continued to win team-fights thanks to our great cc and damage. We had some crazy plays, one of them was:
After a fight in mid in which I wasn't involved my team went back to base and I came alone to try and clean up a few kills. I got a kill on Jinx and Lee Sin but I had to run from Kassadin and Irelia I used my Spinning Axe to refresh my Blood Rush and kited them long enough for Orianna and Leona to arrive and help me. After their ult combo I escaped with 300 HP and picked up a Doublekill.
The other one, this one is even better, they killed Shen and went to do Baron, we went there to stop them, which we did. An amazing 5-man ult from Leona started the fight, then Orianna, Amumu and I ( Draven) ulted, stole the baron and killed all 5 of them.
It was a great game in which I learned that in some situations a great cc team-comp can beat individual strengths of fed champions.