So I got in to promotion series for gold finally and the very first game I got mentally challenged players. So I was playing Ezreal with Blitzcrank vs Lucian and Lulu, after a gank I got Firstblood and then won the lane finishing 4/1/1, while Lucian was 0/3/3. Their jungler Master Yi got pretty fed from ganking while our Xin Zhao didn't do such a good job. We had a chance to win the game because our Garen won top against Jax and our mid-laner Gragas outfarmed Orianna.But sadly my team started to go full ****** mode. Garen farming Wraiths in their jungle and getting cought, Gragas splitting from the team, and the biggest problem of all people in soloQ THEY CAN'T GROUP!!! I told them 5 times: "please guys lets group and win this" , but does anyone listen to me??? They are farming jungle, split-pushing, going in the enemy jungle with no vision and going 1v5 when they wanted to defend the 400 HP turret. Master Yi and Jax just jumped on me every single fight and even with Arcane Shift and Flash i got killed 7 times....