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Raiiny's avatar


Rank: User
Rep: None (0)
Status: Offline
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Summoner Info

Talon, Irelia, Yasuo
Assassin, Fighter, Assassin


Talon - My Main

Irelia - My Secondary

Yasuo - My 3rd and sometimes my fooling around champ

These are the champions I love and play. My main is Talon. Yasuo and Irelia are my backup in-case Talon gets banned or sometimes to have fun. I do many things like program, art, animate, etc. yeah

Note : if need something message me in twitter. I might no replay instantly but I will check in. Thank you. DO NOT FOR THE LOVE OF GOD TRY FINDING MY PERSONAL THINGS TO MESSAGE ME ON! That goes same for my coder "Owlet"

League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide