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Redsundark's avatar


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Redsundark's Mobafire Blog - Tag: Brand

18 Dec

Views: 660 Brand

Hello Every one,
This weekend ill be working on a new Guide or 2 depending how much time I get
but wanted to update you that I have updated my Twisted Fate Guide and Brand guide to be a bit more Fancy looking if you haven't seen them yet :) I encourage you to go check them out

My Twisted Fate Guide
My Brand...
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05 Dec

Views: 488 Brand
There is My Newest guide on BRANDS INFERNO any where type build check it out when you can
i got 2 More guides coming up in the Works
(1 Secret one ) and then My Taric one witch im most Excited for over all
also i have updated my TF guide and Corki guide to have Video proof of there workings i soon to try and do the same for Brand , its easier for me to type this up then it is to make the videos so i dont do them at the same time like i should but ill work on doing better at that
but thank...
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