First of all, I apologize for being out of action for such a long period of time. My entire future kinda counted on the past few weeks and I figured wasting it on MOBAfire wasn't quite worth the decades of anguish and sorrow. Fortunately, I succeeded in finals week and will still be with you guys for at least another 5 months! Anyways, Lets get on to it. I noticed a lot of tier 1 / tier 2 switches. The only one to rise out of tier 3 was Jarvan. He makes an amazing non-sustain support, and his jungle isnt half bad either. On the other side, the only one to fall to tier 3 was renekton. I just don't find him good enough for tier 2 anymore.

Maokai - His ganks are terrifying, and anyone who disagrees should try playing against one. He has one of the longest range reliable CCs from the jungle, and he can follow it up with a pretty reliable combo as well. Plus, with the change to jungles making it harder to carry, it allows maokai to do his thing and quasi-support / carry much better.

Vayne - I'm not sure why I had her so low originally. She really is amazing, and if you have a decent support you can dominate lane pretty much regardless of enemy comp.

Skarner - He is the new warwick. flash ult for suppress. The difference between skarner and ww is that skarner can pull the carry out of his team, which makes focusing that player MUCH easier than with warwick suppress. Plus, Tanky skarner will still outdamage most carries, and you will have no idea how he did it.

Akali - alright so the nerf didnt kill her. it just "balanced" her. She still destroys.

Nidalee - Tanky dps nidalee top lane is ridiculousness. Once she gets wriggles she can just chunk your health with her single target cougar form. Its stupid.

Wukong - His ability to win trades and engage are incredible. dash in, Q, stealth out. Makes his laning very strong. His ult has a ridiculous ratio and makes for an amazing teamfight tool. Q is kinda OP right now.

Rammus - Roly poly OP. ganks are back to being ridiculous. Why? I'm not sure. He fits the jungle nicely, however. He bought gp5 anyways, and thrives on pre 6 ganks.

Tryndamere - really really really really good right now. extremely hard to deal with.

Shaco - ya i put him in tier 1 and i hate it. but hes good now.

Udyr - heh. just very strong. Similar to skarner without the suppress. Plus he can solo lane or jungle, making him a dynamic pick.

Annie - she is in a wierd place. By no means bad, but i have seen almost none of her, and her range suddenly feels extremely short.

Rumble - his ganks post-6 are probably the scariest ive seen. plus building wota not only makes you tanky, it makes your team sustainable.

Lee Sin - hes just kinda funky. like annie, hes not bad, just in a wierd place. I feel like skarner outshines him for tanky dps jungler, and his laning is good, but by no means the best.

Shyvana - no cc returns to bite her in the ***. Still super fast jungle and high damage output, but ya.

Olaf - sorry duff. He needs to risk too much early on to dominate his lane. still tier 2 tho.

Singed - too passive nowadays. its hard to win trades with all the high damage dealers in top lane.

Fizz - really good, but doesn't do akali's job as well.

Jarvan IV - out of nowhere, he is the strongest non-sustain support. With good reason. His solo lane was lacking a bit because he couldn't back up his up-front damage. But with an ad carry thrown in there, his armor reduction and flag buff really make the difference in lane. plus he can still jungle.

Fiddlesticks - jungle change REALLY hurt him. hes almost not usable because of how long it takes to get to lv 6 now.

Sivir - she got rebalanced and is much less op than before. I still think she has a fairly large niche tho. Wait for her to make a comeback.

Renekton - I just don't like him. His damage is mediocre in the current solo top meta, and his late game is horrid.

And for the new kid on the block, shes attractive, in the middle of an identity crisis, thats right folks! Ahri, the nine-tailed fox (or something like that)!

Ahri - Shes pretty good. Her skill shots are kinda hard to hit, but when they do you can be sure damage will be done. Her seduce is crazy good, her ult is great for repositioning and chasing, and her ball is a great farmer / harasser. I really love her 3 fire balls too. it reminds me of the red turtle shells from mario kart. Nostalgia ahoy!