Again, apologies for the inactivity. Partly because im lazy, and partly because Viktor wasnt worth an update, honestly. Sejuani was an actual patch.

I'm not sure about the other tier lists, because I actually havent gotten any updates since the last one i posted. Considering taking them down soon enough. We shall see.

Right. Here we begin.

Kennen - Hes just really freaking strong in lane AND didnt get a nerf. Plus his teamfighting and poke are really good. Mobility too.

Vayne - still of the strongest carries. Vayne Kog and Graves are definitely the strongest right now, but vayne's nerf seemed to hit her more than graves, which is why he didnt move.

Morgana - still awesome, just less awesome.

Maokai - had him slightly too high. still chu8 status.

Ahri - I feel like her skillset is too awkward, but apparently her ball is impossible to dodge, and her teamfight damage as an assassin is one of the best... Idk. But people consistently do well with her.

Skarner - major early game mana nerf, ulti cd nerf. Still really good.

Shaco - fotm is fading i think. still good, but hes still squishy.

Tristana - still great. Still slightly outplayed by the terrible trio.

Soraka - I know she can easily be stopped in lane with a bit of coordination. BUT. The sustain is unmatched and 3 heals in quick succession can be killer. PLUS a good silence. I hate soraka. The armor buff is seriously underestimated too. Soraka graves is a *****.

Sivir - Good burst that is fairly spammable, and a GREAT laning passive. Plus its sivir. She wrecks in teamfights, even with the change to her ricochet.

Twisted Fate - i like him. underplayed, but also underestimated.

Malphite - not tier 4. good support, good counter at top lane. but doesnt beat good healers and doesnt do well against a lot of top laners.

Volibear - highly anticipated. lackluster release. I think hes a sleeper champ, but until people figure out how to play him hes gonna stay where he is.

Urgot - i havent seen a single urgot in at LEAST 6 patches. and the last time i saw him i specifically remember him being outdamaged.

Anivia - really bad in the current solo mid meta. her burst is too short ranged / too unpredictable. And her mana is a problem.

Sejuani - from what ive seen, i like her tank initiate ability, but i havent seen enough to place her higher. We shall see.

Viktor - I see his slow / stun as being an EXTREMELY powerful utility, but his damage sucks.