My last blog, I talked about having trouble in games. I was always playing support and getting kind of pushed aside. Well, I've been breaking out of that. The lectures suggested by a commenter (thanks again!) have been helping me improve. I've been playing bots to try and get a low-stress practice zone...but it's biting me in the rear. Players don't seem to care about playing seriously and improving against bots. They treat it less like practice, and more like a competition to get kills.

Which leads to this tangent story, a game against bots. I picked Karma, and was going to go about being a support for the Ashe in lane with me. They were about the same level as me, but kept doing stupid things - 2v1, running into turret to chase with no minions around, not paying attention or retreating, so on. Add onto that our two top lane players arguing about KS (because they thought THAT was how you get IP and XP in matches), and this was shaping up to be the first Beginner Bot loss in a long time for me. I ended up taking a leader position (briefly, cause lord knows I'm not good enough to stay one), and ending our top lane troubles. I went to help Fizz, who happily rotated to support Ashe. The game from then on went into teamfighting, and everyone worked together magnificently. Ashe slowed; I was rooting, flaring, and shielding; our tanks were taking the hits; and Fizz did his fishy business. It was a come from behind victory.

Well, that wore off fast. Games from there proved to be slow, methodical, and not good for practicing. The bot games got old, and I remembered something earlier today. I made a smurf on accident. I'm afraid of PvP at my level (as players are unforgiving if you deviate from the meta), so I loaded it up and went PvPing at level three. This proved eye opening.

The first game was a stomp. We went about thirty to four. I played support Karma, and the Jinx in my lane was really good with their mechanics. The enemy Kog'Maw and Jinx were getting pounded, and the few ganks from Yi and Karma went horrid on their part. Jinx was getting happily fed, and I was happy to keep warding. Midway into the game, I even went up to mid to root the Xerath that was harassing our Lux in time for her to ult his face/stone-thing off. Everyone was friendly, and the final screen made me realize how far I had come. The enemy had no wards, and a support who built damage. No wonder we got the jump on them so often!

This second game, just royally ticked me off. Alistar, Rammus, Nunu, Warwick, and me as Jinx. Now I remember WHY I like supporting: so many people like to screw it up. Alistar immediately started CSing any creep he could, built damage, and constantly headbutted the enemy away. Warwick got tired of the enemy Jinx beating him in middle, and moved to top. Rammus was jungling...and that's it. From here, it went downhill like a cannon ball on a cliffside. Alistar kept calling me a noob because I was trying to last hit and not harass (an enemy Tristana and Garen...yeah, I know that wouldn't work out for me). He got me killed twice early on by headbutting Tristana under our tower - where I happen to have retreated at low health. No one on this team bout a SINGLE ward. Normally I would, but I was broke and WAY behind in the CS game. Alistar kept smack talking our team, putting us down and Allchatting the other team with "Such F**KING NOOBS" (censored for those with children). Finally, Rammus had it. In a team fight, Tristana was running away while the three of us chased. I had been in mid long enough to catch up in levels (way behind in gold though). She was pulling away, and only had a sliver of health left, so I fired my mega-rocket. Now here's the point where I got really mad. I scored a kill, and Rammus calls me a KSer. From here on, he rants and rants about how Jinx and Alistar are KSing and this team sucks. Nunu gives up and leaves the game at the end, and I can't blame him. This was awful. I have never ran into a worse team in my ENTIRE career in this game. I wrote not only my FIRST report, but a report for 3 people! One for leaving (although I did mention I don't blame him in the report), and two for negative attitude. The ONLY person to get anything good from that game was Warwick. He was new, stayed friendly (but quiet to avoid fire from our raging nightmares), and tried his best.

I guess I can sum this up pretty fast: I can feel where I am now. That feeling of never moving forward is gone now. I know I'm not the best, but I've seen people who were just like me when I started and people who are even WORSE than when I started. Part of writing this is to get the ungodly rage that has built inside of me from that match out, but also to get feedback from other players. I only played on that account because I honestly thought THAT was about my skill level. My questions to the community at large that stem from these experiences: what can you do in those situations? What should I try doing from here on (PvP at level 17 or keep PvB to practice)? Has anyone else been in this kind of situation?

In the end, I hope new players who read this can have some fun with the stories. There are going to be games where you feel like a hero, and there will be games where you feel like growing horns and wielding a red trident. To the veterans, I hope you can entertain a rant for someone who ran into their first nightmare team and impart some wisdom on this newbie. I'll keep climbing - inch by inch if I have to -, and I hope everyone else can have fun in their games.

Good luck, and remember to have fun. That's what's important.