Hey everyone, Rorin back for another blogging. I'll try not to rant too much this time. I've just had a few things eating at me lately, and I'm going to try and reach out to the community for some help.

First off, I play support a lot. A LOT. Over the past month, I've probably been support more than 75% of the time. If it's over 90...I would not be surprised. I do enjoy most of the games, but I'm starting to hate the people I find. I know I'm not even into the Bronze Tier yet (halfway as of this posting), but I notice most of the teams I end up on are heavy on ADC. I've been playing AI to try and take a break from having to constantly follow "Ye Olde Support" cycle (Ward, Heal, Repeat), but I know that PvP was more fun.

This leads into the second issue: I can't tell where games go wrong. If anyone knows a way to record/show results from the game, please tell me. Recent games seem to just feel like the enemy team is way more focused and have better mechanical skills. I know how to last hit (something my friend Grimol is improving on) but can't use that because I'm always the support. It feels like most of the people I get partnered with are kill hungry. I've seen players chase under turrets at less than 100 HP; attempt 2v1 fights; and almost ignore me. Most of the players don't seem to understand that even supports have cooldowns. Don't yell asking why I didn't heal you if I healed you five seconds before you turret dived both Tarric and Lux.

So here's my question: how can I get better? I hear about watching streams and videos, but I always get recommended to streamers who focus on damage roles. If anyone knows good videos, guides, or even have a stream of your own that could help, post it in the comments. I promise to take any advice or criticism to heart and try improving myself.

In the meantime, morning classes deem this a good time to nod off. Night everyone, have good games!