For this article, I’ll try to be addressing competitive play primarily. However, as far as balance goes, League must be balanced around both competitive play as well as solo queue. Although the two are wildly different in terms of balancing and viability, League is both a game and a spectator export, so it’s important to consider both. While some champions might be overwhelmingly strong in solo queue due to high carry potential if their opponents make mistakes (Such as Riven) and useless in competitive due to opponents making fewer mistakes, you need to be careful in hurting their competitive possibilities unduly or giving them unnecessary buffs in solo queue. With that being said, lets get to the main piece.

The professional meta (at least in NA, since that’s my primary source) has become incredibly stagnated. The list of viable ADCs is super limited, with Lucian and Jinx being strong due to lack of nerfs thus far (as well as strong kits), Sivir being strong due to her damage and hard engage, and Caitlyn due to her high range. The supports that flourish in the current state of bot lane are similarly limited: Thresh, Leona and Annie forming a holy trinity, with Alistar appearing on occasion. Up in top lane, Renekton, Dr. Mundo and Shyvanna are either picked or banned the vast majority of the time, with a few other champions that appear just to counter these tanks ( Warwick and Trundle for instance). Junglers have to be gank heavy, but certainly have the most diversity of all lanes. Although Wukong, Vi and Elise might be overwhelmingly strong right now, we still see a variety of others from time to time ( Lee Sin, Olaf, Kha’Zix, Pantheon). Mid lane is also relatively varied, with four champions being overwhelmingly picked/banned ( Yasuo, Gragas, Ziggs, and Kassadin (who is almost a 100% ban in LCS at the moment)).

Is the current state of League in professional play a bad thing? Of course there will always be certain popular champions, and people will always get sick of the meta after a week or two of games. On the other hand, the tank meta isn’t just boring to watch because of repetition, it’s boring to watch because of the lack of plays involved in playing tanks, as well as lack of build variety. This split we’ve been treated to some amazing games, despite the meta, so it’s not the end of the world. But as the season continues and Riot rolls out balance patches, I think it’s time to consider what champions, items, runes and masteries should be addressed in order to mix things up. League will never be a perfectly balanced, but I think it can strive for a better balanced state. In the next few days, I'll be posting a proposed balance patch to change the current state of League (without ruining the current tank meta too completely.