Reddit link to AMA

He actually answered a lot of theorycraft questions in there. Here are the notable ones I picked out:

Q: You often speak about "fundamentals". Since so many players and botlanes lack what you call "fundamentals" how is one supposed to understand the balance and the fundamentals of lanes and matchups?

I try to watch streams and spectate high elo games to understand more about positioning, trading, warding but if most of top team botlanes have what you call "very weak fundamentals" how is one supposed to get them? You say yourself that before Chauschool you understood nothing about botlane and I find you being a smart and skilled guy, so what is one supposed to do?

A: you just have to understand what the enemy jungler/bot lane can do to you and play a theorycrafted game in your head, and see what the proper response would be.

What if Sona Graves harasses you with an auto + Q on the first CS you try to get in lane. Now you have 20g and took 300 damage, so what was the right response? You should have backed off and used their harass against them by coordinating with your support for a turn on the CS.

You have to know every matchup in the game, which levels give you power spikes and which levels give your opponent an advantage. What runes and builds you need to go to cheese certain matchups, or which ones are so impossible that you have to just 2v1 and swap until you reach a certain item threshold.

You have to be ready to react to any situation, whether it's a sneaky jungle gank or mass pink wards, or if they freeze the lane and the jungler can be somewhere. 50% of the game is won just by knowing what to do before it happens, and the other 50% is executing it.

I don't think many players think about the game 24/7. When I take a **** or go to sleep or I'm eating lunch, I think about LoL.

Q: Why bloodthister on vayne, instead of botrk?

A: BotRK is a purely laning and 2v2 item. It's not very good in teamfights and gives you wonky item pathing after you build it. I feel like I can win lane without it, and opt to go for more greedy lategame/teamfighting oriented builds

Q: When CS'ing, do you use A -> left click or do you just left click. I've been trying out what works best but I found it a little hard to find a balance between A -> left click and right click to move aswell, but what do you pefer and how do you train it? :)

A: I have developed my mechanics to the point where I rarely use a-move, and all my cheesy ancient keybind shortcuts are all gone now. I play on default settings and click on the enemy when I want to attack him, it's that simple

Q: Do you think Graves is a strong pick in general or only in certain situations?

A: I think he's a strong pick in general but only if you can get ahead early. There's a cutoff point in levels where Graves sucks because he hasn't gotten his BT yet, and you need to hit it or else you don't do anything

Q: Chauster or Xpecial? Who do you prefer?

A: Chauster taught me pretty much everything I know about the game. I think one of his best quotes of all time go something like "you're so ******ed that you get yourself in a position where you have to 1v3 or outplay everyone to live, but if you were a smarter player you'd never even get in those positions in the first place. You just so happen to have the mechanics to randomly luck out and look good when you should be dead"

Gold like that you'll only get from Chauschool, and I've been on hiatus since he left for the jungle. I'm glad to have him back because he's the one person I can count on to make me better

Xpecial on the other hand is solid, probably the best support in NA currently. He's got no downsides or weaknesses as far as I can see. He plays everything, communicates well, has great game knowledge and map awareness. He's also a really cool guy, which goes a long way. I'll miss him and the big plays we made at Allstars