So, I was walking through Big Lots (the only place in the world I know of that would put handles on automatic doors), when I came up with an idea for a new champion. The basic idea, would be an AP style elemental mage with a very high skill cap whose abilities have effects between themselves and the enemy to give bonus effects. The skill from this champion would be combining these effects in such a way that you either maximize damage, CC, or pester. By the way, the names are probably really dumb, so I apologize in advance for that (for this particular post, I shall call him Eli).
His passive would be Earth Tremors. Every 10 seconds, a small, AOE (physical) damaging effect would occur that would radiate from the champion. This effect would be similar to Alistar's Trample effect, except the ability would be passive and the cooldown would lessen in duration with each spell used. This effect would damage minions, champions, and structures and scale with AD. This gives the champion a small amount of melee pester resistance since advancing would offer a small amount of damage for the efforts and it would aid in the destruction of turrets. However, the catch would be that the damage is not very large (again, thinking almost Alistar passive in magnitude) and the radius would be slightly smaller than the basic attack range of the champion himself; meaning that it can not be used to passively and harmlessly farm gold from beyond pester range. But, I wonder about as the champion ranks up in levels, maybe increasing the damage done, and the radius of the damage, thereby disabling it as a farming and pester technique during the early game, but making it palpable to a group of bunched up enemies in a teamfight.
His Q would be his main damage ability, Fireball. This would be an AOE, skill shot nuke with tons of versatility, and potential for damage. The missile itself would resemble a Lux Lucent Singularity or a Ziggs Bouncing Bomb in that you would select the area for the fireball to explode, by passing minions and other champions. However, unlike Lucent Singularity, you can not hold out the ball, it would explode immediately upon reaching its destination. This impact would deal initial magic damage to anything hit in the radius. From there, any enemy hit would 'Burn', dealing more damage over time for a few seconds. The missile would also leave behind an area of 'Burnt Land', similar to Corki's Valkyrie or Shyvana's Burnout in dragon form.
The Burn effect would be less than the passive of Brand's passive, but would also scale into the game by dealing a percentage of the initial damage done. This percentage of extra damage would start relatively small, but would increase in ranks of the skill as well as damage of the skill itself.
The Burnt Land would last only a couple of seconds or so, but would apply the DOT effect of the Fireball ability, turning it into a small zoning area for a short time and further damaging enemies who stand near the blast radius.
His W ability would be his main utility skill, Air Blast. This would launch a line skill shot similar to Galio's Righteous Gust that would deal a small amount of magic damage if an enemy is directly hit by the blast when it's first launched and would decrease in damage for each enemy that it hits. It would also leave behind a trail that speeds up allies that pass through it. This skill's usefulness and full abilities will be explained later.
His E would a spammable, low impact slow called Ice Spear. This mid range click and use ability would feature a low mana, small slow, low cooldown ability that would deal a small amount of damage. In addition to giving the champion a reliable damage and CC source, it can be used in a set of combinations to maximize damage and have even more CC, or it can be used on a fleeing champion in order to get one more Fireball off.
His ultimate would be Lightning Strike. This point and click ultimate would call down a huge lightning bolt to hit a single enemy, stunning and damaging the champion hit. This is a huge ability that is intended to lock down a carry, and then open up the entire team for a huge amount of damage and CC.
Now comes the fun part to playing this champion, the combos. As I said earlier, each of the abilities work together to do extra things and the best players will be able to figure out which combinations work best for which situations and will be able to find a balance between utility and pure elemental damage.
Fireball + Air Blast: Using Fireball successfully will apply a DOT that burns away based upon a percentage of the damage done by the blast itself. However, using Air Blast on an enemy affected by the DOT will refresh the Burn period, thus leading to even more damage. Running back through the Air Blast line will also refresh and running back across the line again will refresh again, meaning that an enemy can potentially have their Burn refreshed multiple times from one Fireball.
Fireball + Ice Spear: These 2 skills can be used alternately to apply either an increase in damage or an increase in the slow. Using Fireball first will apply the damage as well as the DOT. If you use Ice Spear on an enemy that is Burned, it will remove the Burn effect, however it will increase the damage from Ice Spear and multiply the slow from the effect tremendously. Meanwhile, if you use Ice Spear first, than the slow is applied. Follow this up with Fireball and the slow will be removed, but the initial damage (but not the Burn damage) will be increased.
Ice Spear + Air Blast: Ice Spear applies damage and a slow. Followed up with Air Blast will apply the damage from Air Blast and knock back the enemy champion. This will not apply any further damage or increase the slow, refresh the slow, or stun the champion if it collides with terrain. However, the skill to this attack is that the champion will be knocked in the direction of the skillshot, so you can use it push away a pursuer, or as an initiation; Flash, Ice Spear, Air Blast the carry, and then Zhonya's Hourglass.
Ice Spear + Lightning Strike: Using Ice Spear would apply a small amount of damage and a slow. If you follow this with Lightning Strike, than the enemy will be will stunned from the ultimate, and it would set off an AOE blast around the enemy champion that would deal double the damage of Ice Spear.
Lightning Strike + Air Blast: Lightning Strike would stun and deal damage. Follow this with Air Blast and the enemy that is stunned will be knocked back in addition to the damage it would otherwise take from being hit with Air Blast. If the enemy hits a wall, than the stun is extended for a small period and extra damage is dealt.
These mechanics mean that in a teamfight, you can hit a champion with Ice Spear, blow it up with Lightning Strike to hurt the rest of the team, launch a Fireball in the middle of everything, and then before the stun is up, use Air Blast to knock the stunned champion into a wall as well as extending the Burn damage on the rest of the team.
These interactions are designed to provide a variety of playstyles and encourage different rank up orders depending on the player. For instance, you can focus on Fireball and Air Blast to maximize the damage from the Burn and pester, or you can focus on mainly Air Blast as a support role at bot, or you can even focus on Ice Spear and rely on the much more reliable damage from the Fireball + Ice Spear combination. Or, completely new builds may come around, such as focusing on AD to basic attack champions to death while using your spells to keep the enemy close and Earth Tremors for massive damage.