Well it's been a long while since I've done one of these and I think it's about time I jump back in the saddle. This one's going to be a lengthy one and I feel rightfully so since it's about some very big things.

So recently I've jumped back into ranked and I'm silver 1 trying to get to gold and I almost get there quite often, but I keep running into these few issues at my rank. Now don't get me wrong here please, I am by no means professional or just amazing at league. So here are the things I keep seeing in ranked that bother me and have since the beginning of league in ranked. We see top tier champs always played. Why you might ask? Well it's simple... because they're easy to play and offer the least amount of failure state for their kit.

How would someone go about fixing this? A lot of people would say "Well just pick that champs counter and carry your team like you're suppose to." Alright let me tell you what I see wrong with this statement. "Carry your team" is the first thing that pops into mind. I mean correct me if I'm wrong, but this game was and always has been built off of teamwork. Secondly "Counter pick." Ok yes there is a such thing as counter picking. However there is also a thing called counter picking for more than just one champion. Take for instance Jax vs a Teemo. Teemo should win hands down, but I've seen people lose to a Jax even as Teemo because Jax has such a strong kit right now and has the most power for what he offers to his lane.

Another problem I've seen as a recurring one is ban picks. Most people ban what champions are banned by pro's or what counter them only rather than asking their team who they think is their hardest champion to play against. Now don't get me wrong there are champions I would like to see banned every game as a result of me not doing well against them myself, but that doesn't merit I ban them because there's no evidence during the ban that they will be picked. So a way to fix this is I think people need to be more willing to talk with their team about bans. I do it all the time when I get to ban, but when I don't get to ban the person banning always pisses off the team with their bans because they literally ban what they think should be banned rather than take a team vote.

The last thing that's been bothering me now is the amount of leavers and negative players in ranked these days. It seems to be getting worse and worse each year. I mean for crying out loud people you have to spend 20-30 minutes with your team...SUCK IT UP. It's called being human and a good sportsman. A lot of players these days also just leave when things don't go their way in a match. I understand things can set you off, but talk with your team. Make a plan and work TOGETHER.

I know this seems like a very ranty blog and it is. I apologize ahead of time if it seems like I'm complaining, but I'm really not. I'm voicing my opinion on these matters that I think should be voiced as a lot of my friends who I play with would agree. Even reading some of the forums on Riots' site I see some of the same things voiced, but they see no attention and only get down voted by trolls saying they're just bad and should uninstall and it's that kind of negativity that ruins games for me and a lot of the crowd that try to enjoy the game.

I apologize to anyone who reads this and takes anything I said the wrong way or in offense. I did this to as I said in parts "Voice my opinion" I find it important to say these things and hope to see someone else offer their own voice.