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Sidewinders's Mobafire Blog - Tag: PsyOps

29 Sep

Views: 651 PsyOps

Reward for the Pass ends very soon, 2 days last time I checked.

Yes, best way to grind the pass is winning, but we all know in League of Legends its impossible to keep a win-streak in normal drafts for very long. BUT this isn't the case for Bot games! You will get 5 (max) per win, even agains't bots, Take time out of your day and try new champions, do weird builds and just have lots and lots of fun! While you get all your sweet, sweet rewards while doing so!

(not sure if this has been posted earlier, but if it has, here is a reminder! :D)
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18 Sep

Views: 600 PsyOps

I was looking at the store, saw that you could buy PsyOps skin+border for RP.

I was wondering if the Border stays forever or if its a event-only thing
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