A funny little game. Just normal draft mode.

Game starts with an early invasion into enemy territory. No kills, but we stole their blue and forced Ghost out of Hecarim.

Laning - Other than conceding a First Blood double-kill to Draven thanks to their Leona who was surprisingly aggressive, we then went on to dominate the lane and get fed. Zed was outfarming and outkilling Orianna, so mid was won too. But lo and behold, Wukong top. If you see in the picture above the CS he had by end game, you can only imagine how much he had at the beginning of the game :S.

Suffice it to say, their Vladimir was very well-farmed and well-fed due to the negligible presence of Wukong early game and his anger-afk-farm from all his other lanes losing. Though we won most of the teamfights, once they build up enough armour, the only one who could do any damage to them was really just me and I wasn't really building any damage items until I got the thought '**** it, Triforce'. But nah... losing two Barons in a row clinched it for us. The fates conspired against us. Gave us a Wukong who could get kills, but 0 farm for some reason, a Vladimir on the enemy team who was raging and just farm but then turns out as the late-game monster.

Oh well, I did my best. I have no regrets. T_T