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SopTop's Mobafire Blog - Tag: Garen

11 Mar

Views: 918 Garen

Unfortunately, I won't be working at all on my Ezreal guide that I'm cookin up this weekend, as it is my birthday tomorrow, and I don't really want to be working on the guide during my birthday weekend. Hope you understand. Ezreal guide will still be out by the end of this month. Some other news is that I am also working on greatly boosting up the visual appearance of my Lethality Garen guide, which probably won't be released until around mid April. I am also currently trying to gain more of a recognition in the MOBAFire community, so if you like my guides, and wouldn't mind sharing them...
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09 Mar

Views: 582 Garen

New updates for the Garen build will be coming soon, adding some quality changes, a few more chapters and some more advanced techniques to the guide. As for other content, I plan releasing a guide for Aphelios within the next few days. Just wanted to gives out the news that things are coming.

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