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Summoner Info

LeBlanc, Shaco, Heimerdinger
Caster DPS, Jungler, Support


Favorite Champions for Each Role:




AD Carry/Marksman:


And yes, while a lot of these champions might seem like typos for their positions, such as Support Heimerdinger & Jungle Cassiopeia, they are all on purpose, as I love playing and trying to reach the skillcap of an underplayed/unorthodox champion in a certain role, and I think that all the champions I have listed are "viable" for their positions, although some are much harder to do well with than some common meta picks. But, hey, unless you're professional, I suggest learning some odd champions as well, it's a much more invigorating experience when you do well with an unorthodox pick, especially in ranked.

League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide