I have been playing for about 3 months off and on. I had a lot of fun with the Coop vs AI beginner mode. As I leveled up, slowly, I decided to get more involved in the game, try and learn how to play better. I watched streams, read guides, and watched almost every champion spotlight I could find. I was level 12, had some runes and masteries made. I was ready to move up, I was ready, for Intermediate, or even normal mode.

Click the PLAY button, go in to Coop vs AI mode, the cries start to come at the 7 minute mark. "YOU SUCK, L2P."

Here I thought I was learning to play against the beginner bots. Come to find out, those bots where just toying with me, they were capable of much, much more. We get through the match with the help of a level 18 summoner that carries the team. But after all that, I get no XP, no IP. I had reached my IP/XP cap for the day against bots. But I still wanted to play, and I wanted it to count when I did, so NORMAL mode here I come.

Click the PLAY button, go in to Normal Blind mode, the cries start to come at the 3 minute mark. "YOU SUCK, L2P."

I have to say I wasn't the only player that was feeding the other team. And my lane wasn't even losing, but I was the one that got the most flak.

"You suck <champion I was playing>"

To which I only replied. "Sorry"

So now I am at a cross-roads. Am I destine to only play against beginner bots for my LoL career. Maybe I should of started earlier in PVP matches and not hide in the Coop mode for so long.

I am not a troll, I don't go into a game to try and make others lose, but if you are a ****, it doesn't help me want to try anymore. Oh, and we surrendered the normal match at 20 minutes. Not a fun time anymore.

So there you have it, from a casual that is just getting into normal modes. See you out there, you may want to exit if you see me on your team, cause I have been told, I suck.