So I was playing Velkoz support my last game and I had a Vayne adc she was really fed and decided to over extend into the enemies inhibitor towers. I see that we're going to get banked and I ping her away when I see a pantheon, Lee sin coming through dragon. She realizes well we might die so lets just fight back she ults gets pantheon extremely low he flashes away lee sin goes in using his ward and I knock him up and slow him with Velkoz E and my support item he's really low but a random Blitzcrank pulls her so she can't finish. She starts doing damage tumbles and goes invisible and get blitz low enough for me to accidentally steal both a Jink and Blitzcrank kill with my W then Ahri shoes charms her and realizes she is going to die so Lee sin, Ahri, and Pantheon try to group up by Red buff I still have vision Ahri flashes over the wall I EWQ and she instantly dies to my true damage. I use my ult and kill both Lee sin and Pantheon. I celebrate and then I stand there wondering. Did I steal all those kills? Or did I just finish the job? I also forgot to mention that Vayne died to red buff 5 seconds later.