So after returning from MCM Expo in London, I'm told I have to cosplay next year in May, otherwise I'm walking. <_<
So looking for League of Legends cosplay ideas. Because cosplaying as anything else is too mainstream. I only found a handful of LoL characters!

(If either of you happen to use this site and don't want this image up, I can take it down, but I thought you guys looked awesome xD)
Other than those, we saw an Ezreal, a Caitlyn (Apparently, I never saw her), A Lee Sin (You can see his blindfold in the above image) and an Ahri.

I found a Lulu outfit that I'd totally wear if I would spend the £100+£30 posting for it. <_<
I threw my manliness out the window when I saw it.
I mean. I could even dye my hair blue and it'd work almost sort of kinda not.
Though it's mostly for the hat. I love Lulu's hat. I love hats in general, but Lulu's is absolutely amazing. I want a Teemo hat, and a Lulu hat. I bought an Ash Ketchum hat while I was there, which hasn't left my head besides sleep. <.<;
The actual outfit wasn't that bad, but I don't think it's worth the price tag.

But anyways, I need ideas.
I'm not fat, but Im not exactly slim, either, so champions like Twisted Fate, Ezreal are a nono. So I was thinking maybe champions like Garen/Xin who are more buff, or had large armour/etc.
I saw an amazing Rammus mascot-suit-kind-of-thing that I really wanted to try, but it was obviously handmade or something, :p, and I have two left feet when it comes to my hands.. wait wat.

I wouldn't mind cosplaying a Yordle ( Teemo, Rumble, Kennen maybe, Lulu, Poppy. YES, FEMALE YORDLES TOO. <.<)though I think I'd probably be better off not <.<. I'm very small in comparison to the friend I was with though, and he said he wants to go as something from LoL next time, too. So maybe <.<.(he made me seem like Teemo when we found Ezreal, because I was smaller than the Ezreal too D:)

Anyways, I also need help getting the costume together once I actually decide on who I might go as, so yeah, there's that. :p Any decent shops/stores/etc that sell LoL or League-esque stuff that can be changed to LoL stuff and ship to the UK? xD

PS. I still would totally dress up as Lulu.
Totally manly female yordle costume activate.