League of legends in the main lore is based around the Persian invasion of Greece during 492 BCE. A little background information from wikipedia " The invasion, consisting of two distinct campaigns, was ordered by the Persian king Darius The first, primarily in order to punish the city-states of Athens and Eretria. These cities had supported the cities of Ionia during their revolt against Persian rule, thus incurring the wrath of Darius. Darius also saw the opportunity to extend his empire into Europe, and to secure its western frontier." So in the league of legends. War breaks out because Noxus invades the small island of Ionia according to the journals of justice. Even though that is a small coincidence and isn't enough to throw a theory on here is some more food for thought. There was a city to the East of Athens called Damascus.. sounds a little bit like Demacia. So lets go over the players here we have Ionia where Master Yi Irelia and Varus live. We have the invasion of Noxus to Ionia led by King Darius the First who dies of old age later on and is replaced by his son King Darius 2nd. Who is repelled by the Athenians and Ionians with the help of Damascus. After the war King Alexander the great took control of the Persian empire and executed Darius.

So there is a little bit of similarity there it may not be a ton but there is a little more I have to offer. If we look Piltover and Zaun they can be correlated in a sense with Piltover being related to Athens as a culture of Technological and Philisophical advancement. While Sparta portrays Zaun as a culture who put of their technology into warfare. For a while Sparta actually cooperated with the Persian empire and had a strong dislike for Athens which is noted not only in children's stories but in writings such as the Funeral Oration. We also can't ignore the presence of the Hopilite Pantheon who is based off of a spartan soldier.In a small summary the original league of legends has a lot of similarities to the ancient world.

With the facts of : Darius invades Ionia
Ionia is reinforced by Athens and Damascus
Damascus eventually overthrows and wins the conflict
The similarities in characters and other small notices of the ancient world around that time including the usage of egyptian god like characters and Xin Zhao who's based off of a ruling dynasty in the Warring kingdoms period of China 481-401 BCE that has slight alteration of spelling Zhou.
And Urgot looks like the executioner from the first 300 movie.

I can honestly believe that league is based off of the ancient world around 500 to 400 BCE. Note this is a bit of a stretch and I haven't had time to write this down and really perfect the argument I'm merely stating a few known facts.