Yo, just got back from the eurogamer Expo and it was awesome :D
Woulof blogged sooner but internet issuses have prevented me from publishing a really long blog detailing everything (Ive tried 3 times now ;_;) So if you want super detailed info just ask.
Heres a super brief summary of what M e and my bro thought of the games we got our hands on

Batman:Arkham Origins; 9/10
Occulus Rift; 9/10
Pokémon x and y; 8/10
Dark souls 2; 10/10 (awesome and ball bustingly hard :D)
Velocity X2; 7/10
Gran Turismo 6; 8/10
Yaiba: Ninja Gaiden Z; 3/10
Sonic Other world (title might be wrong);...
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