Posted a Comment: Mar 12th, 2013
"I would like to see what you find as far as "any character wearing sunglasses (be it normal skin or special skin) decreases passive damage from leona", I saw someone do that but his format was just odd and I couldn't tell for sure. Also, the same thing with cait's ult with lee sin, n"
Posted a Comment: Mar 12th, 2013
"Hmm... While I like the idea of bringing a taste of /b/ to the forums, I think perhaps "op is a faggot" might be something the mods would take issue with. I say we just turn troll threads into spidey threads. It's harmless, funny as hell, and what can you do about it if you keep trying to "
Posted a Comment: Mar 12th, 2013
"AP janna has always been viable, shes just not as stupid stronk as she used to be back in season 2 (kind of like battleraka back before she got nerfed... that shit was hilarious)"
Posted a Comment: Mar 12th, 2013
"thresh and blitzcrank huehuehue."
Posted a Comment: Mar 11th, 2013
"If you enjoyed that you should be looking at Badministrator. Here is a couple of songs from him, one is a 1 verse open collab with gluglug (another great songmaker):
Posted a Comment: Mar 10th, 2013
"I called it a weapon, not a tool of war lol. "
Posted a Comment: Mar 10th, 2013
"All top is a pretty risky move. But if you get a bunch of people together, going all ADC all mid is a pretty damn good idea for shock factor. Make sure you get ezreal for the attack speed boost off of essence flux. The goal is to get an inhib down by the 10 minute mark. At that point, the su"
Posted a Comment: Mar 8th, 2013
"it says the link will not open...