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The Overmyynd's avatar

The Overmyynd

Rank: Editor
Rep: Established (139)
Status: Offline

The Overmyynd's Mobafire Blog - Tag: Writing

14 Aug
This is the long-awaited final part 3 of my Shaco lorecraft! Sorry for the wait... I frankly forgot that I was working on it (mah bad...).


Flashes of a blood caked knife with a gleaming edge, men falling with open throats, cries of pain and sorrow. Gliding through an ocean of bodies, all of them screaming from between clenched teeth and painfully twisted faces, lips pulled up tightly, wailing in a sadistic eulogy to the joyful damned. Shaco was an unstoppable force, killing again all those he had killed before. Strike after strike, his arms never grew weary, and his thirst was...
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20 Jul
hey guys, Its me again. Decided i've waited too long to get back to this, so i wrote a quick page and decided i would turn it in to the public for a quick taste! I've decided to write some mystery into Shaco's past with this, as well, just as an easter egg. Let me know what you think so far!

This is the long-awaited final part 3 of my Shaco lorecraft! Sorry for the wait... I frankly forgot that I was working on it (mah bad...).


Flashes of a blood caked knife with a gleaming edge, men falling with open throats, cries of pain and sorrow. Gliding through an ocean of bodies,...
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16 May
This is the Part 2 of 3 of my Shaco lorecraft. All of my writing can be found here on my blog, so please read, comment, and give critiques!


Two days later, Shaco found himself in a line-buggy, one of several carriages linked together and pulled by a team of rather large horses. The mysterious package sat on his lap, heavy, but not overly so... Couldn't be gold or jewels (it didn't clink when he shook it) and it couldn't be paper cash (far too heavy) so it wasn't a payment of some sort. It must be an item of great value. A statue? A new piece of techmaturgy? A magical relic? He was...
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