So some of you may know me from my Maokai guide (on the top list now friends), and I'm in a bit of a pickle at the moment...

I've recently earned a spot with Funaga Gaming (a relatively new, multi-game organization), and as a result I've been switched to playing top lane. Right now I'm struggling to fill out my champion pool since 90% of the guys I used to play are derp at top, except Maokai, he's even better there than jungle. Right now all I play is Maokai, Irelia, and Renekton, and I need to add at least 2 more picks for a solid roster before my first tournament. I really don't like Gragas, I suck at Nidalee, and I feel really inconsistent on Aatrox even though I like him a lot.

I've been experimenting with a lot of APs but no one is really sticking for me. HALP MOBAFIREEEE!!!!