May 19:
Finished Diablo 3!Will do a 2nd run on a higher difficulty or play a different character.I am thinking mage or barbarian.
I also played some Leagues of Legends and played as AD Carry Varus.It was pretty hard since my fingers were placed on the 1,2,3,4 buttons instead of q,w,e,r and I was pretty horrible at last hitting and harassing.But after a few games I got it going again.

May 20:
As usual going 0 deaths on Xerath since he's my main.I also been playing Warwick and Cassiopeia.I instantly bought Warwick for toplane and jungle, I am not thinking of buying Cassiopeia, I want to try out karth first too.I am almost at lvl 30 too!Just about 150 exp left.