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TheRedPenguin's avatar


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Rep: Remarkable (47)
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TheRedPenguin's Mobafire Blog

04 Nov

Views: 796 Riot Stahp

Riot pls.Stahp with these champs, I something like new lulu or kog'maw with delightful lore.
Unlike the powerseeking monsters that we get now :(
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13 Sep

Ok fellas.
Before explaining on how to become AD carry I will first explain on how to ensure you will get your AD carry.

First thing you say in champ selection is to scream:
"adc", "AD bot", "ad or feed".(pick any)

Secondly if someone asks you why you want it or when "you iz gud ad curry" answer:
"I like icecream does that count as an answer?"
"I am far more handsome thus I deserve the ad carry role!"...
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League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide