It never ceases to amaze me at just how childish this community is when it comes to Riot making new champions, so lets do a fun little activity, shall we?
  1. I want you to make up a champion now that you would've rather had for the 100th champion slot.
  2. I want you to prepare up splash artwork to go with your character idea.
  3. I want you to prepare a plausible moveset for said champion along with a role.
  4. I want you to make a lore for this champion.

Now that you have your homework, you have 1 week to prepare this design and have it turned in to me, otherwise I will throw my body on the floor and record myself throwing a tantrum for 5 hours for all of you to see on youtube.

All that aside, I find it really sad how ungrateful and ******ed this community is. I know I've talked about this briefly before when the community poorly handled the facebook like kiraban reward, but now I really want to dig deep into this topic about this ****ty community known as the LoL crowd by tackling a topic that this ******ed community is *****ing about currently.

Jayce isn't that bad of a champion concept along with how he looks. One thing I honestly don't understand why the community is so upset with Riot about is the lore of Jayce. I read through the lore several times and honestly, it's alright as is. So what if the lore is "WOW I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT HIS LORE COMPLETELY TRASHES VIKTOR AND MAKES HIM LOOK LIKE A LITTLE *****", the truth of the matter is that champions in League of Legends have rivalries and have had fights with one another in the past. Besides, if anyone even bothered to read JoJ, they would've realized that Viktor is slowly but surely becoming bat**** crazy. His actions were bound to spark conflict with other champions in the world of LoL and Jayce just so happened to be the first champion who got his toes smashed by Viktor. So lore-speaking, this lore makes sense to some degree based on Viktor's past actions. Plus, it's not like the lore said "JAYCE **** SLAPPED VIKTOR", Viktor merely retreated after having his base get invaded by Jayce (here comes the part that 99% of the league community failed to take into consideration) who was using a brand new weapon that Viktor has no idea what it was capable of. I mean, hell, if I stole some **** from someone that was a new weapon (which I thought was the ****), I would be a little intimidated from engaging said person if he came ripping into my base with a weapon that was new to the market.

Viktor knew what Jayce's technology was capable of, which is why he broke into his lab to steal from him to begin with. If Jayce came back for revenge with an even bigger toy, I'm pretty sure that Viktor would've wanted to see what this weapon was capable of from examining it over a period of time, rather than to run at him blindly and risk getting himself killed.

So yeah, that's the controversial part of the lore in which I have broken down and explained to the league community, who honestly, probably don't even give a **** about LoL lore to begin with. Every once in a while I read up on a character's lore and read a few articles of the JoJ. This was the first time I've ever seen anyone ***** about the lore of a champion and to me, this was only because people are throwing a tantrum that the 100th champion wasn't this demi-god of a beast that only exists in their wet dreams that they were hoping it would be. Because of that, I looked into the LoL lore, did a bit of research from what Riot posts in the JoJ and came to a relatively justified reasoning for why riot created the lore they did for Jayce. No, it doesn't trash Viktor at all or paints him as some sort of *****, Megamind Viktor was smart on retreating so that he can prepare a better attack on Metro Man Jayce. Yes, Viktor is kind of a bad guy; if you don't believe me, read the JoJ. Either or, I can foresee that future articles in the JoJ will further develop this rivalry between these two inventors in the future. It's great to see Riot creating conflict with characters in their own game, much like they did with Zilean and Volibear.

There you have it folks! Does the LoL community have a point when it comes down to giving Riot the sweaty, pale-handed, typed complaints about Jayce's lore not being what it should've been, or does this simply further expose the LoL community to be nothing more than that abusive father who beats their son, Riot, over the face with a sock filled with quarters for them getting a 99% on their math test? Well one thing's for sure, their argument stinks worse than Twitch's undergarments, and I would know.