I've been thinking about doing this for the longest of time now (ever since march), and I think that now might be a good time to throw up the secrets behind how I play jungle twitch. For the few that have played in a game that I've tryharded in, they know just how great Jungle Twitch can eat up an entire team, including invading the opposing teams jungle nonstop and getting off nearly 100% successful ganks for the idiots that don't pink ward enough. I was actually going to post it up last month, but then another member posted up their build on jungle twitch which instantly turned me off to building a guide, seeing how the idea of jungle twitch has already been introduced to MOBAfire and was already top rated. (PHEW! WHAT A RUN ON SENTENCE) (Phoenix0000ff wrote a stellar twitch guide)

I looked through his build (which can be found here http://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/build/jungle-twitch-dream-or-nightmare-137451) and was really impressed with the amount of detail and information he was able to cram into it. I learned a thing or two on how to improve my own jungle twitch from him (better kiting strats for jungling ect.), but I also realized just how different me and phoenix's jungle twitch really are. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying "NOT HOW I PLAY TWITCH, **** THIS BUILD", his build works and is very strong in both competitive play and in casual play (prepare to go 20/0 with his build in normal queue, I've experienced that with his build). Eventually, I ended up meeting up with him in MOBA chat to chillax and discuss jungle twitch with him, another player who truly understands how to play the unloved pile of plagued fur. The end result of the chat? "I play twitch this way, you play twitch that way. We both rape the **** out of people, we just go about a different way of doing so".

I guess it's sort of like saying "You can rape a ***** (MALE OR FEMALE IM NOT BEING SEXIST LOLZ) by either tying em down or drugging them, both ways will get the job done". All of that discussion and thinking led me to conclude that it might be worth my time to write that guide after all. What with the new summoner spells/masteries out now, there's a whole lot more to write about. Either or, I don't plan on really posting the guide till i get more positive results out of it from ranked queue at a higher ELO. You all already know just how well I do as jungle twitch in ranked, however, that doesn't mean your teammates aren't going to be **** and drag your *** down to the floor like Big Bubba catching you naked in the prison showers. (I was going to use a reference that included MOBAfire members but,.... lets keep this friendly. :3 I'm sure those that know me would already know the people who I'd use in that /anal/ogy anyways) With all that said and done, I plan to start drafting the guide tomorrow and collect more data from ranked games in regards to strategies, play styles, strengths and weaknesses vs other junglers ect. (I already have a good idea, what with more then 200+ jungle twitch games under my belt) As time progresses and I feel confident enough that the guide I produce will make those that read it a stronger and better twitch player then I will release it. Then again,..... this is mobafire.... Bah, who am kidding. You're all losers. No guide on the world can save you >:[

In the meantime, I'm going to stand here and look pretty in the gardens.

P.S- I'm totally ranting about guides that slap on normal queue game SS's of them winning as proof their build works next time. People who do that are stupid and I'll tell you why next post. Too tired to do that now.