So I've seen my fair share of LoL games along with the idiot things people say during them both in ranked and in normal queue play. Below is a list of my top 10 idiotic things people say during LoL games that I feel are abused, overused, and splooged all over my LoL matches. Refraining from using the following 10 phrases will make mine and everyone else's game that much more enjoyable.

10. bad <champ> is bad (or other variations of it, such as; feeding <champ> is feeding ect.)

9. <champ/item> OP

8. trololololo/huehuehuehuehue

7. Hey <champ>, 1v1?

6. Jungle Twitch, gg

5. better nerf Irelia

4. <champ> es #1

3. too stronk

2. reported for feeding/ report <champ> for feeding

1. U mad?

Personal favorite #1 line with matches with my group of friends on Lol: "I'm done" That's more of an inside joke though.