Yo guys I'm really excited or almost at the moment the stats are those:
CS 191.3 (6.3)
1.35:1 KDA
4.3 / 6.3 / 4.3
20 Played
for now I carried 2 games and I'm getting better at trading + cs even if it doesn't look like it , I intend 3 games hard for 2 of them my connection said that I should kms(in game),so my kda looks like **** as well.
Update of what I learned: going and trying with illaoi while your connection sucks is gonna make me tilt and int, then how to play against gwems and Garens.
I have a lil problem khm mhm mhm my mmr is doomed, I gain 15 for a victory and I lose 31 for a loss.
cya in the next 10 games
my goal for the next 10 games is:
at least 7cs x min in every game
learn how to dive
learn the cheater recall
trade like a human being and not like a dog
and last but not the least important learn when to tp to people
current rank: S4 59 lp