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Training arc

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Training arc's Mobafire Blog

19 Aug

Views: 2205 6 days 52 games

The stats:
CS 196.1 (6.4)
1.47:1 KDA
4.7 / 6.1 / 4.3
52 Played
Well I'm bad af but I need to say that I became more comfortable in diving and not dying.
I don't feel anything like literally nothing rn I'm on a massive win streak (7) and I don't feel anything but when I lose 2/3 in a row I want to kms , maybe its because of my gains +15 and losses -31.
Well I'm Silver 3 now and thats massive for me like actually huge so I'm happy for being Silver 3 with my mmr after being hardstuck silver 4 for more than 50 games.
Cya soon.
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18 Aug
The stats:
CS 200.5 (6.5)
1.41:1 KDA
4.8 / 6.5 / 4.3
46 Played
today was such a bad day, I inted like a ****ing pig and lost accordingly , I had a sump that was just trolling (0 vision score in 30 min), well my Jung just a ****ing disgusting kia player.
And I didn't snowball enough my lane I guess I was only 4/0 at that time my botlane was already 1/13 together so I couldn't carry.
Then I tried towerdiving w/o enough hp and well lost , I tilted and qd up again and lost the last game someone took renekton so I took teem but there was kennel top and renekton mid.
I cab...
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17 Aug
I want to kms its just depressing my mmr is doomed -31 +15
My mental is bad I don't believe and lose I tilt easily and other things.
Stas atm:
CS 197.9 (6.3)
1.4:1 KDA
4.6 / 6.6 / 4.6
39 Played
For now I just activated party chat only so I cannot see people typing it helps to concentrate and not tilt that easily.
It's like today the day went bad af like the wr is meh 5 wins to 4 losses, but its the first time that I'm so energy drained after playing lol.
My Elo: bronze 1 98 lp
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16 Aug
30. WR. 53.3% KDA 1.38
( 4.8 /6.8/ 4.6 )
cs x m 6.3
Lets begin... I'm such a dog can't express it with words my mental is bad so I'm gonna need to work on it , the 30th game went badly ,I was going 2/3 and my support (lux) decided that she could take all my cs , I tilted and started running it down like going for ******ed plays not helping her in team fights and other , but then I saw an opportunity and got a triple kill 1v3 so I started playing again and won , my jungle was really good and carried it as well.
I cannot deal with the stress to play vs a yorick I...
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15 Aug
Yo guys I'm really excited or almost at the moment the stats are those:
CS 191.3 (6.3)
1.35:1 KDA
4.3 / 6.3 / 4.3
20 Played
for now I carried 2 games and I'm getting better at trading + cs even if it doesn't look like it , I intend 3 games hard for 2 of them my connection said that I should kms(in game),so my kda looks like **** as well.
Update of what I learned: going and trying with illaoi while your connection sucks is gonna make me tilt and int, then how to play against gwems and Garens.
I have a lil problem khm mhm mhm my mmr is doomed, I gain 15 for a victory and I lose 31...
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