So i heard about the upcoming vision and game flow changes, which really affect supports.

As far as the thing with vision goes, i think it's fair. Now teams and supports must be really carefull on how they want to use their wards and all participate in this. That will allow supports to save more gold for big items. As a sequence they will be more effective late game, given of course the fact that the whole team places wards and uses trinkets.

The second thing is that on supports AP will not only affect the damage/healing/shield done but also the ultility of the ability. This will probably make supports stronger late game and it is possible that buying items like Shard of True Ice or Twin Shadows(generally every item with a supportish aura/active/passive and AP). The point is, how does Riot know which champs are supports. People always tended to use unconvential champions for any role, will champions like Fiddlesticks or Annie get this advantage as well? If not, doesn't this mean that the champion pool for supports becomes smaller?(which is something i don't think Riot wants). And what about supports that can play mid, top or jungle as well( i.e. Lulu, Taric, Janna)? Will they get the bonuses in the non- supports role ,too?