My First Week of Ranked: Stats

25 wins, 14 losses - not bad, for my first week back in soloqueue. To be honest, i'm a little annoyed though, because my friend, David has FEWER wins, and MORE losses than me, yet he still has a significantly higher elo than me =,=' just a little annoyed about that.

I know that somewhere, the world's smallest violin is playing for me...


/league-of-legends/champion/taric-32 Elementz rates her so low. You really need to cooperate well with your team to get off good ganks. Counterjungling with her is >>SO<< fun though! LOVE IT!

Singed: 6|0. I really like playing singed. What i really like about him, is his innate tankiness, and his ability to really turn any fight. What i really like about him, is his mobility and pushing power, though. If singed can get in melee range of his target, he can usually out damage the person whom he is attacking. If singed is going against one of his truly nasty counters, say, Nidalee, he can still win his lane. Singed's sheer pushing power allows him to push his lane, and then immediately secure objectives with your team (dragon!)

Lulu: 4|0. You guys probably won't believe me here, but i bought lulu from the riot store, and immediately started playing ranked with her. Yes, i know that's a big no-no for soloqueue. It seemed to work out though. I was delighted that I got the knack for lulu right away. I really just love everything about her! Glitterlance can prevent a team full of CC from chasing you or one of your friends (while also dealing noticeable damage). Whimsy is just an awesome spell. Sure, it's no shatter, but there have been times when I have used whimsy offensively, to CC a ryze, and defensively, to help my graves better kite an Irelia + Rumble + Elise. Wild growth <3