Went on a big win streak last night. On my last game of the night, i was at 78 LP. I had thought my next game would get me just enough points to get me into promos, but riot was OP and only gave me +20 LP for my last win of the night. GG!

Right now i'm sitting at 98 LP in silver 1. I'm so excited (and anxious!) for promos! :O
I hope that i'll have an easier time with my promos this season than i did last season. Last season's silver 1 promos were hell! I'd remember even getting to promos were ridiculous, as for a given win, you could get like 3 LP, and for a loss, you'd love 5 times that amount. Do any of you have advice for my promos?

Another thing that i'd like to brush up on, is my post count. Since i'm currently on spring break from uni, i've been a little more active in the community, and i'm delighted to point out that i've almost reached my 1000 post count :D Perhaps it's not exciting for some, but for me, i've grown a little attached to this website. It means something to me. This 1,000 post count is special to me c:

Anyways, that is all. Neo signing out ;)
-Keanu Reeves