Hello Everyone! Great to meet you guys here through Mobafire. I wanted to introduced that I am a LoL player since August 2012 or 2013 and I live in the Philippines. First and foremost, my currently most played champion is Yasuo, hello again.

Favorite Champion: Yasuo
Favorite Support: Soraka and Braum
Favorite Tank: Darius
Favorite Lane: Top and Mid
Favorite Marksman: Jinx
Favorite Farmer: Yasuo
Favorite Mid-Laner: Yasuo
Favorite Assassin: Yasuo
Favorite Build: Phantom Dancer

If you want me to play 1v1 or 5v5 (please note I am not playing rank match) just PM me on my account "Frayco500". Please if you are going to play with me as 1v1, don't make an embarrasing words or any foul words. I hate those players who are saying that. Be humble in victory, be graceful in defeat.