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It's time for the 2025 Season 1 Guide Contest! Create or update guides during the following 3 weeks to compete for the $3,750 prize pool. 🏆
Xeronn's avatar


Rank: User
Rep: Memorable (75)
Status: Offline
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Summoner Info

Cho'Gath, Shaco, Fizz


Hi MobaFire community!

Quick summary on who I am:
Name: Joel
Age: 21
Country: New Zealand
Current favourite game: Hearthstone
Employment: Red Shed Palazzo - Kitchen/Front of House

I absolutely love playing League of Legends, because it is a game where I can always strive to improve, and to play with mates, and coordinating with other people to achieve victory! :)

League of Legends was my first MOBA game (Yes I didn't play DotA, only heard of it) xD Don't hate o.o

If you haven't seen my guide yet, and you are a Gangplank fan, you can check it out here:
Gangplank - The Pirate King

I hope you all continue to have fun playing League of Legends as I do!

League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide