Goodbye Silver, Hello Gold!

After 289 Games of spamming ranked with Zyra support and queuing up over 500 Ranked Games, I finally reached Gold.

I cannot believe that I actually came all the way here after I was placed into Bronze III (and once going down to Bronze IV at one point - I was at the point where I gained 2~3 LP for a win but lost 20 LP at one loss). I was about to give up when I rotated from Bronze I to Bronze IV in ranked. I saw some of my Bronze friends giving up their account and making fresh account (and they reached Silver with that), and I honestly thought "Should I do that too?" I was once a believer of Elo Hell, and while I was never a flamer or someone who got reported for offensive chats, I kept my opinion away from the chat, instead thinking "Why is this guy losing my ranked game..." in deep of my mind. I hated to hear my own mistake, and while I nodded in admit when my friends said, "You are doing this/that wrong.", I never wanted to admit that I was making bunches of mistake. I was about to give up playing supports and just learn carry roles when my Bronze/Silver friends said "Supports cannot win games."

And I was seriously about to smash my laptop when I failed 7 ranked promotion that would place me into Silver (Just kidding - it is a hyperbole, but I was super cranky. XD)

All of these experiences... :)

It took me a while to improve when I was afraid of admitting my mistake, but eventually, I broke down, and I realized I was doing so many things wrong. I wandered off to opponent's jungle and Fog of War, and I got caught all the time. I realized this, and tried to stop this. (I still do this - but not as much anymore). I was always trying to autoattack Ezreal, putting myself out of position, and I got poked down with Mystic Shot. I eventually improved my positioning a bit. I was warding very little as support in late game, so I fixed that up too.

And of course... a bit of luck too :)

Now I am technically out of 'Elo Hell' (not that I believe in Elo Hell anymore - I just try to do the best I can.)

Now, however, I'm going to stop playing ranked for a while, and I am going to practice various other roles. Right now, if I play AD Carry, mid, or top, I am too scared to trade. I know the jungle route, and I can predict ganks of the opponent pretty easily now, when I jungle, I am so lackluster. Moreover, I think I won ranked game only with 6 champions. Although I know the theory behind every champion, and I can even write a decent guide about every champion, I do not have experience to succeed. Tbh.... I am Cardboard V when it comes to Top, Mid, Jungle and ADC (except Zyra Mid.)

I will start playing ranked when I finally learn Zed, Lee Sin, Orianna, Ezreal, Vayne, and other high skillcap champions mechanical-wise. Currently, I need to improve mechanic the most.

Reporting out :)